Monday, March 4, 2013

Viewers' Questions Answered


  1. Several Korean mysteries solved. Looking forward to next show.

  2. Yeah, boy! Love the way you cast those baby blues on your viewership as you preach the global citizenry gospel. Amen. Preach. Bad behavior warrants getting ripped a new ass. Baek-in-je forever!

  3. I always wonder about the 5000 years of culture remarks. I get blank stares when I ask, "When did Korean culture become independent of Chinese culture? If Korea used to be part of China, when did Korea break off and become their own country/culture?" No one can answer that here.

    Same when I ask about "What is soju made from?". I heard years ago that it was chemicals and I discarded that idea for years till I heard it mentioned again in a previous video here. I wouldnt doubt that is just some concoction of industrial waste and bilge water sold at 90 cents a bottle.


    1. Korean culture grew seperate and apart from Chinese culture. After Korea became a vassal state to the Chinese, there were many Chinese influences which were incorporated into Korean culture, Confucionism among the most prominent.
      When you can buy soju for W1,000, and it costs money to bottle ship, profit for store, profit for the company, taxes, et cetera, the cost to produce it must be under W100. It cannot possibly be organic. Plus it tastes like pure chemicals. Think about it: what would a comparable bottle of good whiskey or vodka cost back in the real world? $10? $12?
      Please promise you'll never drink it. Pinky promise?

    2. Good point about all the overhead costs for soju, I didnt think of that part. E-Mart sells a bottle for 950 won, nothing is that cheap elsewhere in the supermarket. How about those massive 4 or 5 liter bottles/jugs that they sell on the bottom shelves. Reminds me of a barrel of toxic, industrial waste. I dont drink it anymore now that E-Mart now carries international booze like vodka, gin, and rum. Anything is better than the peasant fire water they guzzle here. How do they get so wasted off it when it is so little alcohol content?


    3. I don't think the alcohol content is low at 20% ABV); it is about half that of vodka. It is meant to be drunk (emphesis on drunk)fast, drunk in "one shot" so you can't taste it. I haven't seen it sold as a cocktail anywhere out of Hooker Hill, in Faygo bottles with the top's cut off, plastic shards probably inside, with soda for the partying E1-E4s who used to populate the hill.
