Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Korean Love Story: Part 1


  1. Can't take 'effin morons anymore. Hopefully, I'll end this nightmare soon. Until then, Bak-inje helps me and the other disgruntled ESL teachers who covertly visit your site for therapy, to put up with it. Btw, this story today was really touching. From the love motel to the wedding. Sigh.

  2. I love the "please understand my situation/culture" in air quotes. This site has quickly made itself into my daily rotation, great work.


  3. Hilarious! Excellent story telling. One of the few blogs I visit regularly. I want to have a t-shirt made in Korean that says "She'll dump you when you enter the army." Looking forward to future episodes.

  4. T-shirts, huh? Fucking great idea, Jake!
    I have a few ideas:
    1. Moloka'i is the American Dokdo
    2. Please understand my culture
    3. My other girlfriend is a Korean
    4. I'm with stupid (with arrows pointing in every direction)
    5. Baek, In-je fucked my sister and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
    I'm gonna make myself a million won.
