Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Living, not just breathing, eating, and shitting

Mr. Baek sounds a little bit drunk this week. I think he was smashed last show, too.
BTW (OMG^^)...the last sentence, did you, the viewers, understand what that sentence means the first time you heard it? I'm curious as to what goes over and what doesn't sometimes.


  1. I thought the last comment was hilarious. I can see myself signing off on future emails with it.

    1. You can use it if you want, man. I used to sign all my emails from Korea with:

      "Holy shit, send help."
      Every fucking guy at the Alamo.

  2. Welcome back to the States, my man. Glad you left that shitty little fuck-hole Korea. Fuck those nasty rats.

    Hope the pain goes away. It takes a long time, let me tell you. Four months back myself, still got enough hate and rage to genocide/ holocaust the whole fucking retarded race of Koreans.

    Thinking about going into the military, just to hijack a nuke and drop it on Seoul. hahahahhahahahah!!!

    1. Thanks, Anonymous, if that is even your real name. Hehe...nasty rats. That fits well.
      The pain goes away right after you get out of the airport back home. There was a Korean who went through security to get to the part of the airport where one disembarks on my last trip to Korea back here in the States. Then this klown turns around and somehow goes back outside. When he came back in, he was several people in from of me. I couldn't help but laugh as the DHS security guy had this look on his face like who the fuck does that and began questioning the ajosshi. Seriously, no one does that shit. Oh, right, Koreans!

  3. As for his hiccup problem last week and drinking problem this week, I wonder whether the problem lies in your editor. Are you typing the script into a word processor, which adds formatting (such as line feeds) and other invisible characters, and then copy and pasting into Baek's script feed? Perhaps if you paste the script into notepad (not wordpad) and then copy from notepad into the script feed.

    1. Good, so that might be a possibility. One more tip: If you still get a hiccup, then turn-off line wrap in notepad.

  4. Any shot that you would allow guest bloggers by perhaps allowing them to create their own characters?

  5. Yes. Email me at baekinjeshow@gmail.com. Tell me in an email which character you had in mind and how you envision the show going, and topics. I'm looking forward to it.

  6. I don't know why I stayed in Korea for six years. Especially being a curvy Mexican-American. Now in japan; I have yet to encounter any rude people.

  7. I am sure there are rude people in Japan, but they are the exception. I am sure there are polite people in Korea, but they are the exception.
